Featured Teacher - Gabriela Bravo

What inspired you in the beginning to start playing guitar?

My inspiration did not come until after I began learning to play the guitar. I was a nuisance to my mother, a schoolteacher, and my elementary music teacher, Mr. Eduardo Miranda. Eduardo was an ambitious man who sought to create a guitar ensemble for children and suggested I join. My mother eagerly signed me up for guitar lessons in an effort to direct my energy somewhere. Within a matter of months, I stopped viewing the lessons as punishment and found my passion.

When did you begin teaching? How long have you been playing?

I began playing solos at around the age of ten, and have yet to stop. I began teaching in 2010 at a studio, then taught guitar in the public school system until 2019, after which I moved and returned to studio teaching.

Who was your most influential teacher?

It is difficult to determine which instructor was most influential for me; each shaped me into the musician I am today. Eduardo built my foundation and fostered my love of music, Dr. Kurt Martinez refined my ear for color and emotion, and Dr. Hector Rodriguez gave me the tools to convey complex expressions within phrasing.

Do you frequently perform? What are some memorable performances for you?

I have not performed in a concert setting in several years. Having performed in an ensemble and as a soloist for much of my life, there are many memories which stand out for wildly different reasons! I recall my nervousness as a child performing for a classical radio station, my hands trembling; the exhilarating rush that followed a well-executed performance for competition; the overwhelming pride and love for my students as they performed their recitals to their friends and family.

What are the ages you like to teach?

I enjoy teaching all ages middle school and up. Middle school students hold a special place in my heart. Their unbound expression and eagerness to push expectations can be a joy to work with. High school students often have their sights set on either UIL competition or developing their skills to perform locally, with an infectious drive. Adult students bring new ideas and unique challenges that keep me on my toes.

What kind of music are you gravitating to these days?

My attention is scattered. To maintain proficiency, I continue to study music from the baroque to romantic periods with an occasional sprinkle of relatively modern music. I listen to and dabble in flamenco. For fun, I arrange video game music.

Where do you teach in Williamson County?

I currently travel to students' locations to teach in the Williamson County area.

How can folks get a hold of you?

The best way to contact me is through my email: